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Automotive Service Fundamental - Automotive Basic Electrical System

Automotive Basic Electrical System

This lesson covers basic on heart of electricity functional in automotive perspective.



There are three main components in automotive.


An automotive battery is a 12-Volt DC rechargeable battery that supplies electrical current to a motor vehicle WHILE engine is NOT running.

Its main purpose is to feed the starter, which starts the engine.


Starter is a powerful DC electric motor that assists in turning over the gasoline motor until it gets running.


Alternator is basically a generator that produces AC current with the assist from motor. The AC current is is immoderately converted to DC current through regulation.

Alternator is the the heart of electric by charging the battery and providing electric to whole automotive system WHILE the engine is running.

Battery & Alternator Video:



Battery, Starter, and Alternator combined together

Now that you know what three main automotive electric components are. How do they work together???

Remember in last lesson that current cannot flow through until a circuit is completed and closed. The ignition is basically a switch that open (off) and close (on) the circuit.

WHILE ENGINE IS NOT RUNNING: The battery and starter have big responsible functions together by get the engine to run.

WHILE ENGINE IS RUNNING: The alternator takes over as main source of electric feeding current to whole automotive system including lights, controls, etc once the engine starts and run. The battery and starter can back off and go into sleep mode. The alternator recharges battery back the charges that was used up to start engine.



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