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Technology Engineering & Design - Step #8-11

#8 Model or Prototype - Create CAD Model

#9 Test & Evaluate - 3D Print

#10 Refine - Repeat #8 & #9 with revises as necessary

#11 Create or Make - #8 & #9 Final Draft

Step 8 through 11 is probably the most timing consumed steps by dealing with full details on every corner in the designs. It is where we usually hit bump stops with conflicts or overlaps that we didn't think of until creating a model and tests.


#8 Step - Fortunately, all of the students had the opportunity to complete most of Step #8 by applying their Solidworks knowledge in creating CAD models on their projects before the unexpected quarantine period began.


#9 & 10 Steps - I had been printing out all of student's model files with the 3D printer and will display a video of test results on each 3D print outputs. We will discuss on the results on each project through email and zoom.


#11 Step: Student's Final Draft on CAD Model & 3D print outouts with drawing sheet enclosed ready for Step #12.



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